
| Portfolio Final Photography Session - #Sport |

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Terengganu as one of sites for surfing.. =)
monsoon kn ari tu.,.
emm..end of year ne,there a s0 many event..
1st, equestrian..followed by monsoon cup..
then,there are als0 surfing..
RFC pn ada...rain forest challenge..4x4...
motorcross pn ada.,.
bnykla kiranya.,.
for those who r interested in shoot for sports,trengganu r the one.,.
for sure.. =)
below, are drift..
every friday,there will b held on perkarangan Stadium Runtuh Sultan Zainal Abidin..

this is called panning..
panning technique in order to catch a moving object..
kebetulan! dpt api-api percik tu..hehe..
orait..c u then., ;)

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