
| Cinemagraphs |

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Any ideas regarding this term CINEMAGRAPHS?? :)
incik wiki jelaskn..
dia bermaksud...

still photographs in which a minor and repeated movement action occurs. They are produced by taking a series of photographs or a video recording, and, using image editing software, compositing the photographs or the video frames into an animated gif file in such a manner that motion in part of the subject between exposures (for example, a person's dangling leg) is perceived as a repeating or continued motion.

Gambar-gambar drpd cinemagraphs ne lbih kurang dgn format .gif laaa...
Inspired by Kevin Burg and Jamie Beck..both of them of course laa kn photographer dr US..heehe..

semmat baa gmbr2 d0rg ne..siyes ku ckp..hahaha..
scene2 y dianimasikn... 

info2 ambik trus dr ezhanartwork yaa..
dgn gmbr2 dy skali., ;D
mintak shaaare...heehe..

tgk tucing ne..heee...
comel kn.,. ;D

even at the railway station~

the non-stop coke.,.

this one i l0ke da m0st..hee..
styl0 ok.,. ;D
ada baaaaanyak lg c0ntoh-c0ntoh gmbr., ;)
svay2 d...

ok...dats all..
h0pe u 0ll enjoy .,. ;)

tsangkiyouu.. ;)

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