
| Still Life Photography |

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Is there anyone knows what exactly 'STILL-LIFE' Photography is all about? ;)
here..authors wanna share something about this..

Encik Wiki defined as ..
' Still life photography is the depiction of inanimate subject matter, most typically a small grouping of objects'
sa sndri susa mau trgkn., ;P

y pnting.,.dy ne benda y bukan hidup..
tp..kta sndri y 'hidup'kn dia.,.
mcm mna idupkn diaaa? haaa.,...
pndai2la kn., ;D
dgn skills and composition gmbr,menjadikn gmbr tu lbih mnarik., ;)
Uncle Wiki menambah..'The still life photographer makes pictures rather than takes them'..

ada photographer quotes kn..y Still-Life photography ne..emmm,.
'...where a moment of life stand still..'
Still Life ne quiet easy t0 understandla..jika dbandingkn ngn y laen2..

gmbr ats ne advanced ckit.,advanced mcmmna.,.
advanced sbb.........
b0la tenis djtuhkn dr ats..
ole siapa..itu y kta xtau yaa., :P
tp cantekla.. ;)
nmpk percikn air tu kn.,heehe.,.
oya! lg1.....
gmbr2 ne..bkn dr saya yaaa.,
sy ambek dr Mr.Googiiee..hee., :D
entry sa sal still-life, still baru lg.,still ckit lg.,heehe.,.
bole la lawat2..nah... 'mr77'stilllife'
c u then..daa~

Slamat Mencuba Bermain ngn STill-Life ne..hee..

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